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Slagging Flux

Slagging Flux

Aluminum is a relatively active metal. It is easy to form oxide slag and absorption gas when smelted in the atmosphere. If these oxides and gases enter the ingot with the solution, they will form slag inclusion, oxide film, pores, looseness, or Other defects, reducing the physical properties and corrosion resistance of the product, will also deteriorate the processing performance of the alloy. Therefore, the aluminum alloy needs to use a large amount of solvent during the smelting process to prevent the oxidation burning and gas absorption of the metal solution, and can remove gas and deslagging. AdTech provides a high-efficiency deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy slagging flux to reduce the burning loss of aluminum melt. Slagging flux is also called deslagging flux.

The method of making high-efficiency deformed aluminum and aluminum alloy slagging flux is to prepare the raw materials according to the above-mentioned weight ratio, mix them evenly with a stirrer, and put the mixed solvent into the baking furnace and dry it at 300°C After 3-4 hours, dry and smash again, after smashing, sieving, and then packing it in waterproof plastic bag.

The dross generally contains 80% aluminum and 20% alumina. If a slag breaker with proper tension is used, most of the aluminum can be released, making the slag loose and dry. The slag breaker has reasonable surface tension and viscosity, can absorb and dissolve the oxide residue in the solution, and can be easily separated from the alloy solution, effectively separating the aluminum in the slag, and greatly reducing the aluminum content in the scum , Almost to the extent that there is no macro.

Slagging Flux

The slagging flux contains heat-proof substances (such as sodium carbonate, sodium fluorosilicate) and substances that dissolve alumina. These substances release a lot of heat during the reaction, which helps to increase the wettability and penetrate the surface oxidation of the slag during the reaction. The membrane separates aluminum from the slag. When the heat-proof substance reacts, silicon oxide and sodium oxide are generated, which increases the surface tension and viscosity of the solvent, making the separation effect of the slag and aluminum liquid better. After many inspections, the current slag has become loose gray-white dry slag.

The amount of deslagging flux added directly affects the quality of the product. Too little solvent will result in less heat release and poor flux effect. Too much flux will generate a lot of heat and generate a lot of smoke, which will aggravate the burning loss of aluminum. The quality of molten aluminum is 0.2-1%, achieving the best effect.

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